Golden Circle & Ikigai in Sales Pitch?

That’s right, to impact your customers in prospecting you need to align the company’s Purpose with its purpose and the customer’s challenges. See below how it is possible.

What is the Golden Circle?

Golden Circle is a concept created by Simon Sinek, an American author and speaker, to help individuals and companies better realize and communicate the purpose of their actions. The concept is based on three fundamental questions that every company or organization must be able to answer:

  • Why do we do what we do?(Why)
  • How do we do what we do?(How)
  • What do we do?(What)

According to Sinek, many companies and individuals focus their communication on what they do (the third question), leaving aside the other two questions. He argues that by first focusing on the question “Why do we do what we do?” Companies and individuals can create a connection emotionally with your customers or target audience, creating long-term loyalty and commitment.

The Golden Circle is represented as three concentric circles, with the question “Why?” in the inner circle, followed by the question “How?” in the second circle and, finally, the question “What?” in the outer circle.

And what is Ikigai?

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “reason for being” or “purpose in life”. It represents the search for meaning and happiness in life by combining a person’s passions, skills, mission and personal values.

According to the concept of Ikigai, happiness and fulfillment in life are achieved when a person finds an activity that they love, that they are good at doing, that is important to the world and that can be monetized.It is the intersection of these four elements that represents a person’s Ikigai.

Ikigai is considered a philosophy of life, which encourages people to discover what motivates them and work to achieve their goals and purposes in life. It is an approach that emphasizes the importance of living with meaning and purpose, seeking personal and collective happiness and well-being.

But is it possible to connect IKIGAI & GOLDEN CIRCLE in the sales approach?

Yes, it is possible to incorporate Ikigai and Golden Circle concepts into a sales approach to improve communication and commitment with the target audience.

The Golden Circle can help establish message structure and order, starting with the question “Why?” to convey the company’s purpose and mission, followed by “How?” to explain how the company achieves its goals and, finally, “What?” to present the solutions they offer. This helps to create an emotional connection with the target audience and highlight the company’s purpose, which can be the difference in gaining the public’s attention.

The concept of Ikigai can be applied to define the target audience and present the benefits and value of your solution. By understanding the target audience’s passions, skills, mission and values, it is possible to create a more personalized sales pitch focused on the audience’s needs and desires, creating an emotional connection and showing how the product or service can help improve lives and help them achieve their personal goals.

In short, incorporating Ikigai and Golden Circle concepts into your sales pitch can help create a more impactful and personalized message, increasing the chances of success in selling products or services.


Integrating Ikigai and Golden Circle can help establish a clearer strategy focused on the company’s mission, purpose and value. Here are some suggestions on how to integrate these two concepts:

  1. Identify the company’s purpose: The first step is to identify the company’s purpose, which should answer the question “Why do we do what we do?” of the Golden Circle. This can be done through deep reflection on the company’s values, mission and vision.
  2. Finding the company’s Ikigai: After identifying the company’s purpose, it is important to identify the intersection of the four elements of Ikigai – passion, skill, mission and value – to find the company’s reason for being. This can help identify the areas where the company is strongest and where it can add the most value.
  3. Define the target audience: Based on the company’s purpose and Ikigai, it is important to identify the target audience that the company intends to serve. This can be done through an analysis of the target audience’s needs, wants and values ​​and how the company can help them achieve their goals.
  4. Develop the Golden Circle message: With the purpose, Ikigai and target audience identified, it is possible to develop the Golden Circle message that conveys the company’s mission and purpose, how it achieves its goals and what products or services it offers. It’s important to focus on the emotional connection with the target audience and show how the company can help them achieve their goals.
  5. Personalize the message with Ikigai: To make the message even more impactful, it is possible to personalize it with the company’s Ikigai. This can be done by highlighting how the company’s products or services align with its reason for being, how the company can add more value, and how it can help the target audience achieve their personal goals.

Therefore, Integrating Ikigai and Golden Circle can help create a clearer strategy focused on the company’s purpose and mission, making it more impactful and relevant to the target audience, especially in the development of messages on Linkedin and Cold E-mail 2.0 for a multi-channel strategy.

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